AllReady ASP.NET Core: Abstracting External Login Providers with Autofac and the Factory Design Pattern: Part 1 This is the first post in a series on Abstracting External Login Providers with Autofac and the Factory Design Pattern * Part 1: Keeping it Local in the Action Method * Part
AllReady ASP.NET Core: User Secrets, Secret Manager and External Logins, oh my! ASP.NET Core has a concept called user secrets []. What are user secrets? Well, in short they’re usually some type
AllReady ASP.NET Core: Retrieving a User's Email and Name from the Twitter External Login Provider Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels TL;DR: if you’ve already set up your Twitter application to allow requesting of users emails and don’t feel like learning
AllReady Open Source Continued: Humanitarian Toolbox and AllReady This post is one in a series of posts I’ll be writing on contributing to the AllReady [] project. In my previous blog post [], I talked about my foray into open source development. Coming